SOLUTION: Environmental Science Discussion – Studypool

SOLUTION: Environmental Science Discussion – Studypool.

ES 392 Discussion Description
Winter 2022
There will be three class discussions held throughout the term (see below for dates).
When Learning is Online
There will be both a synchronous and asynchronous discussion option.

Synchronous Option: Students will be split into groups and assigned a 45-minute
timeslot (during class hours Tuesday or Thursday) to participate in an online Zoom
verbal discussion of the assigned question or topic with their peers and instructor.
Students are expected to come to the Zoom meeting prepared to critically discuss the
assigned topic or question. Student discussion should go beyond restating what is said in
scientific and news articles and instead demonstrate an ability to assess literature and
integrate related concepts.

Asynchronous Option: Students will be split into groups and assigned a discussion board
forum on MyLearningSpace to participate in a written discussion of the assigned
question or topic with their peers and instructor. Students choosing this option will be
expected to provide a meaningful answer or post to the initial question or topic and an
additional meaningful reply to their peers by the end of the week (corresponding
Sunday at 11:59pm). The idea is that answers and replies will keep the discussion
moving forward, as would occur in an in-person discussion, and not just repeat the same
answers and information. Therefore, students need to ensure they have read their
assigned discussion forum before they post to make sure what they post is a useful
contribution to the overall conversation. Student discussion should go beyond restating
what is said in scientific and news articles and instead demonstrate an ability to assess
literature and integrate related concepts.
During the first week of classes there will be an organizational quiz (due Sunday January 9 at
11:59pm) where you can decide whether you will be participating in the discussion component
of this course (while learning is online) asynchronously or synchronously. Based on these
responses, students will be assigned their discussion group at the start of Week 2. Students
who do not complete this will be automatically assigned a discussion group.
When Learning is in Person
Discussions will be completed with the instructor and multiple Active Learning Groups (assigned
end of week 1) on your normal Active Learning Day (Tuesday or Thursday). If a student is unable
to complete the in-class discussions for good reason (i.e., sickness or quarantining) and
communicates with the instructor in a timely manner an asynchronous option will be provided.
Students are expected to come to class prepared to critically discuss the assigned topic or
question. Student discussion should go beyond restating what is said in scientific and news
articles and instead demonstrate an ability to assess literature and integrate related concepts.

Asynchronous Option: Students will provide a 2-page double spaced written discussion
of the assigned question or topic. Students completing this option will also be expected
to provide a brief written reply to an additional question posed by their instructor.
Student discussion should go beyond restating what is said in scientific and news articles
and instead demonstrate an ability to assess literature and integrate related concepts.
Please see the rubric for how marks will be earned.
Week 2 (Tuesday January 11 or Thursday January 13)
• What issues are preventing adequate environmental protection throughout Canada?
Week 3 (Tuesday January 18 or Thursday January 20)
• Should public participation be mandatory in EA? How much involvement or say should
the public have in environmental resource management and protection?
Week 12 (Tuesday March 29 or Thursday March 31)
• What do we need to do to ensure better environmental protection in the face of
increased resource development in the future?
Discussion 3
The increasing need for resource development is causing stress to the surrounding
environment and surrounding ecosystems. As mentioned in lecture, the human population is
growing rapidly, with a predicted increase to 9.5 billion in 2050. This will cause an increase
demand of natural resources and the increasing use of land for human needs. It is no doubt
that increasing environmental stress from growing resource development will also worsen
climate change.
A major course of action to ensure better environmental protection for further resource
development would be to conduct more environmental impact assessments, such as
cumulative and regional assessments as mentioned in lecture. These assessments will need to
include important factors such as monitoring programs, the discovery of many possible
solutions to negative effects, and resource mitigation plans. As effects on the environment
from resource development continue to worsen, the need for more in-depth, comprehensive,
and solution-based environmental assessments will be needed. Many advancements need to be
implemented in present-day cumulative assessments in order to ensure environmental
protection in an era where resource development is growing rapidly. More methodological
tools and paths are being considered when conducting cumulative assessments. One of these
methodological tools is Interactive matrixes, these matrixes predict total cumulative effects
from human activities or resource development projects. An example is the Argonne mult iple
matrix, which can determine multiple sources causing environmental change, the interactions
between the sources, and the cumulative effects. Technology like GIS should also be
implemented further in cumulative effects assessments. This technology can provide
information about temporal change from the current conditions to estimated future conditions,
and it can also provide analysis on regional, local, and site-specific areas (Smit, B., &
Spaling, H. 1995). Overall, advancements and further cumulative environmental assessments
will aid in prediction of cumulative environmental effects from future increasing resource
development, which will provide environmental protection as solutions will also be
Sustainable development is something that needs to be further advocated and pressed
for. Sustainable development allows for the consideration of long-term effects, and recognizes
environmental thresholds that should not be breached to ensure resource development is
possible. To determine ways in which to implement sustainable development, local projects
need to be regarded while keeping in mind global environmental issues. The involvement of
local communities to input their opinions and concerns towards future resource development
projects is very important, and could lead to changes in the project to become more
sustainable (Stefanovic, I. L., 2000). The World Commission on Environment and
Development, or sometimes referred to as The Brundtland Report, states that development
needs to become more sustainable in the future for economy, human health, and the overall
environment. Sustainable development in resource development would appear as meeting
basic human needs while also striving for betterment of human lifestyle, and also conserving
wildlife and plant species (WCED, S. W. S., 1987).
Overall, the advancements of environmental assessments and the push towards more
sustainable development will ensure better environmental protection with increasing resource
development in the future.
Prompt Questions:
1. How do you believe the local public can advocate for the shift towards more
sustainable development in ways that would be the most impactful?
2. What other ways can cumulative effects assessments be modified or improved to
ensure the highest environmental protection?
Works Cited
Smit, B., & Spaling, H. (1995). Methods for cumulative effects
assessment. Environmental impact assessment review, 15(1), 81-106.
Stefanovic, I. L. (2000). Safeguarding our common future: Rethinking sustainable
development. Suny Press.
WCED, S. W. S. (1987). World commission on environment and development. Our common
future, 17(1), 1-91.

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