SOLUTION: Cross Lake in Northern Manitoba Case Study

SOLUTION: Cross Lake in Northern Manitoba Case Study.

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Based on what you have learned about your community, how do you feel the future
outlook for it is?

My community of study was Cross Lake in northern Manitoba. All the case studies so far
have given me insights into the lives of people in this community, their troubles, and how
they deal with these issues. I have got to know how difficult it is for an indigenous
community to live on their own traditional lands. I have realized the difficulties they face
suddenly because of the invasions of higher authorities in their lands. Two of the major
problems faced by this community are food insecurity and water scarcity. I firmly believe
these two are the main components a person would need to survive. It was heart-breaking to
read that the community in 2016 faced an epidemic of suicides leading to a …

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SOLUTION: Cross Lake in Northern Manitoba Case Study

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