SOLUTION: CHEM 2000 Sugar Yeast Fermentation Differences in Sugar Reaction Rates Report

SOLUTION: CHEM 2000 Sugar Yeast Fermentation Differences in Sugar Reaction Rates Report.

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Sugar Yeast Fermentation: Differences in Sugar Reaction
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CHEM2000 – Introduction to Chemistry

Yeast fermentation, often known as alcoholic fermentation, is a biotechnological process
that converts carbohydrates into ethyl alcohol and carbon dioxide using yeast, bacteria, or
a few other microbes. Several by-products are formed when yeast metabolizes a sugar
molecule in the absence of oxygen, or anaerobically; sucrose, lactose, and lactose with
lactase are broken down into several components in this experiment, including ethanol,
carbon dioxide, and energy. When fermentation takes place in the presence of oxygen,
the outcomes are drastically altered. It will be anaerobic to aerobic at first, with carbon
dioxide and water as by-products but no ethanol.

In this study, we will see if the reaction rates of sucrose, lactose, and lactose with lactase
are the same, and if their reaction rates or fermentation rates differ, we will see how
different the reaction rates are between sugars by using the change in mass due to the loss
of carbon dioxide that is released as an indicator of reaction rates.

Materials & Methods

150 mL distilled water
10 g sucrose
20 g lact…

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SOLUTION: CHEM 2000 Sugar Yeast Fermentation Differences in Sugar Reaction Rates Report

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