Application: analyzing summary statistics | Business & Finance homework help
Application: analyzing summary statistics | Business & Finance homework help.
Your goal for this Application is to compute the summary statistics for a data set provided. Use SPSS to calculate the summary statistics, including the mean, median, mode, range, quartiles, interquartile range, semi-interquartile range, and the standard deviation.
A worksheet is provided for this Application in the Learning Resources, in the form of a Microsoft Word document. Download the Module 5 Application Assignment Worksheet and paste your output—the summary statistics you calculated—at the end of the document. Then, based on your output, answer the questions on the worksheet, typing your answers directly into the document.
To prepare for this Application, participate in the Discussion area to clarify any questions you may have about the material presented in the textbook, demonstration video, the assigned Study Questions, or the end-of-chapter exercises.
The Assignment:
Complete the Module 5 Application Assignment Worksheet, pasting your summary statistics output at the end of the document. Be sure that your completed worksheet contains your responses to all questions and your SPSS output.
Submit your Application by Day 7 of Week 9.
Application: analyzing summary statistics | Business & Finance homework help