Multigenre persuasive campaign and rhetorical rationale guidelines
Multigenre persuasive campaign and rhetorical rationale guidelines.
This assignment requires you to investigate a current issue or a debate that is taking place within your field and asks you to take a stance on the topic. Based on your field research and analysis, you will compose three new genre compositions to convince your audiences to take action. While at least one of your creations should be a written text, none of the three creations should be a lengthy paper. Consider the three genres not as individual compositions, but as a cohesive campaign. Some possibilities are:
A poem
A short story
A graphic novel
A slogan
A bumper sticker
A short video
A photo essay
A collage
A poster
An advertisement
An infographic
A Power point presentation (photo essay)
A comic strip
A menu
A diet plan
A series of Tweets or Facebook/Instagram statuses
To begin, you will take a stance and develop your argument based on the information you have gleaned from the first and second projects. Then, you will identify your audiences; that is, you will decide what audiences would (or should) respond to your argument. For this project, you are required to address at least two unique audiences. Making your audience more concrete and specific will make your rhetorical task easier and will result in a more successful project. Once you have identified your audiences, you will want to consider which three genres will be most effective for reaching your chosen audiences. Your genres are your choice, but this choice should be informed by your analysis and assessment of your rhetorical situation. Finally, you will compose your three genres, developing a researched argument that will target the specific audience you identify.
In addition, you will write a rationale (titled a Writer´s Statement or The Rhetorical Rationale) that explains the rhetorical choices you made when composing in each genre and how you see those choices as effective for your purpose, audience, and context. You should explain not only what you did but also why you did what you did. Finally, your rationale should evaluate the effectiveness of your choices, acknowledging when something didn’t work as you intended.
Documentation Style: The three genres should use formatting and citation styles appropriate for the selected genres; the Rhetorical Rationale should use the MLA citation style and be formatted in Times New Roman, 12 pt. font, double-spaced.
Draft 1 Project 3 (Rhetorical Rationale/Writer´s Statement) is due on: Fri. April 2, 2021 (by 11:59 p.m.)
Individual Conferences (Zoom): Apr. 5-7, 2021
**Second draft (Final draft) is due on: Sun. Apr. 11, 2021 (by 11:59 p.m.)
This final draft will have the complete Rhetorical Rationale and the three genre compositions. They will be uploaded in the Assignment box (Canvas)
Multigenre persuasive campaign and rhetorical rationale guidelines