Given the follwong terms of a sequence
Given the follwong terms of a sequence.
1.given the follwong terms of a sequence for the N th term of the sequence:3,5,9,15,23,33,45…. 2. suppose that today (year0) your car is worth $10,000. Each year, your car loses 10 % of its value, nut at the end of each year, youadd customization to your car that increase it value by$100. LetC(n) be the value of your car after N years. (so C(0)=10000)WRITE a recurrence realtion for C(n). and how much will your car be worth after 3years? 3. in a group of 82 students, 59 are taking an english course, 46 are taking a math course and 12 are taking neither of these, how many students are taking both english and math? 4. consider the recurrence relation defined by An=4An-1-4An-2 for n>=2 with A0=5 and A1=9 WRITE the frist six terms of the sequence definded by this relation and WRITE a solution to the recurrence relation.