Business & Finance
Education & finance – 2
Education & finance – 2.
Assignment 4
- The word education is absent from the U.S. constitution. Based on this fact, how is Federal involvement in public education justified?
- Briefly discuss the two major questions commonly pondered regarding Federal funding of public education: a) How much- what percentage of the total education budget should be federally funded? B) How-block grants, categorical or general aid?
- Briefly describe the following federal initiatives in public education
- Land ordinances of 1785
- Morrill Act 1862
- Smith-Hughes Act 1917
- National Defense Education Act 1958
- Elementary and Secondary Education Act 1965
- Civil Rights Act 1964
- Rehabilitation Act 1973
- Privacy Act (Buckley Amendment).
- Education for All Handicapped Children Act 1975
- Americans with Disabilities Act 1990.
Assignment 5
The courts often generate change in many aspects of society including public schools. The following are cases that significantly impacted public education.
- What was the major impact of these cases?
- Brown v. Board of Education 1954
- Kalamazoo Case 1874
- The following cases are directly related to school finance. You are to prepare a mini-brief on each including Citation (name of the case), Issue, Decision and the impact of that decision.
- Serrano v. Priest 1971
- San Antonio v. Rodriquez 1973
- Rose v. Council 1989
- Read text on the Florida Adequacy suit and write 2 or three sentences on the issues.
Assignment 6
The use of public funds in non-public schools has always been a hot topic. The courts have given direction in this matter. As a public school administrator it is important to be informed in this area.
- Prepare mini-briefs on:
- A. Pierce v. Society of Sisters
- B. Aguilar v. Felton
- C. Lemon v. Kurtzman (memorize the 3 prongs of the Lemon test-it will serve you well).
- What is the major argument for the use of public funds for non-public schools? Against?
- Briefly discuss the pros & cons of each of the following:
- Vouchers
- Choice
- Charter Schools
- Tax Credits