Case study and final project
Case study and final project.
two assignment needed
1.Case StudyObjectives: Describe issues related to cultural orientations in managing humanresources in international hotel and restaurant operations.Reflection: read the case (the attachment) and answer all of the questions with your comments.2. Final International Hospitality ProjectObjectives: Apply the principles of the international hotel and restaurant industry.Reflection: International Hospitality Project -write a five-page paper.
Final International Hospitality Project(5 typed pages, double spaced-APA style) – 100 points (25%)Each student will write information on an international hospitality company (hotel, restaurant, coffee, casino, cruise line, etc). This company can be from the U.S. or overseas.Format: (1) History; (2) Identify past and current problems: customer service management, finance, culture, religion, legal, ethics, marketing, human resources, product development, government regulation, joint venture, or other related problems; (3) Your best solutions; and (4) Based on your best solutions,what are the significant impacts and improvements for the company?References, citations, and general style of papers for this project should follow APA style (as outlinedin the latest edition of the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association).Assignments will be graded based on the following:Address all of the above requirements, 20% for each category-80%Use APA format-20%