Week 6: critical reading response: presenting arguments to move

Week 6: critical reading response: presenting arguments to move.


500 words
Module Readings
Chapter 7 “Structuring Arguments” pp. 133-163
Chapter 15 “Presenting Arguments” pp. 363-380 
Across the history of argument, rhetoricians have adopted threshold concepts of argument construction (i.e. at the base: claims, evidence, counterclaims) but the presentation of these core argument structures has been nothing short of an art that has taken on many shapes and presentations throughout history. Our ancient rhetors beginning with Cicero held the belief that all rhetoric follows five canons including: invention, arrangement, style, memory, and delivery—this week we are focusing on arrangement and how the structure of our argument changes the message and reception. Chapter 15 will continue to reinforce how aspects of style and structure help move arguments along and strengthen your rhetorical effectiveness when communicating ideas to a variety of audiences. Whether the classical structure of argument, Rogerian Invention, or Toulmin’s Presentation appeals most, you will gain practice in different ways to present and rearrange arguments to move your audience. As you compose this week’s CRR, consider how you present arguments and respond to counterclaims—what surprised you this week through this deep dive into arrangement and structure? 
After Reading the assigned texts, your response should be approached in one of the following ways:
1. Reading with/Reading Against: Read with each text, summarizing the key ideas. Then, “talk back” to the ideas, locating potential gaps or how these ideas might be reconsidered or implemented in various settings.
2. Impact on your own writing: Think of what impact the ideas or concepts in a particular article/chapter/es.say may have on the teaching of writing or on writing more generally–in and out of your discipline. Explain as clearly as possible how this impact might occur. You might also talk about the problems and/or possibilities this concept or idea creates for the teacher/student/practitioner. You should reflect, at least a little, on how your own experience(s) in classrooms and courses rub against the concept(s) or idea(s) to which you are responding.
3. Synthesis: Looking at the texts you read for the week, attempt to synthesize a concept or idea that you noticed moving through the texts. Your goal should be to highlight the idea or concept as the writers understand it and then explain how you see these concepts connecting or disconnecting in a productive way. You might also use these syntheses in future projects.
You may want to include key definitions and terms to help you on future projects. Every discussion post must include a question you want the class to address that goes beyond reading comprehension (i.e. we want conversations started not merely yes/no or shallow questions). The expectation is that you engage deeply with the assigned readings and draw explicit connections between your CRR and the readings. 
§ Type or paste your reading response directly into the submission text area
§ You do not need to include an MLA Works Cited entry but do follow MLA format to cite any sentences with direct examples or quotations you reference from the reading.

Week 6: critical reading response: presenting arguments to move

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