Buss 3305 | Business & Finance homework help

Buss 3305 | Business & Finance homework help.


What is the Role of the Internet?

When you think of the internet, you may consider it to be the world at your fingertips. The internet can help us find a variety of information, from locating a lost love one to finding our favorite recipes. Over the years, the internet has changed considerably and can often times be a challenge to use. For this assignment, consider and address the following items:

  • Introduction
  • What are the advantages of using the internet?
  • What are some disadvantages of using the internet?
  • What are some ethical issues to consider, with regards to social media?
  • Name some approaches you use to safeguard your personal information when using the internet.
  • Conclusion

This paper should be at least 1200 words in length and should meet APA guidelines (double-spacing, title page, etc.). At least two online university library sources should be used in conjunction with the textbook.

 Assignment: What is the Role of the Internet?Objective of Exercise: When you think of the internet, you may consider it to be the world at your fingertips. The internet can help us find a variety of information, from locating a lost love one to finding our favorite recipes. Over the years, the internet has changed considerably and can often times be a challenge to use. For this assignment, consider and address the following items:
• What are the advantages of using the internet?
• What are some disadvantages of using the internet?
• What are some ethical issues to consider, with regards to social media?
• Name some approaches you use to safeguard your personal information when using the internet.

This paper should be at least 1200 words in length and should meet APA guidelines (double-spacing, title page, etc.). At least two online university library sources should be used in conjunction with the textbook.
Content and Development
13 Points PossiblePoints PossiblePoints EarnedCommentsAdequate introduction included1  Answered the question: What are the advantages of using the internet?2  Answered the question: What are some disadvantages of using the internet?3  Answered the question: What are some ethical issues to consider, with regards to social media?2  Identified approaches used to safeguard personal information when using the internet.2  Adequate conclusion included1  Written in a minimum of 1200 words.2  Readability and Style
3 Points PossiblePoints PossiblePoints EarnedCommentsSentences are complete, clear and concise.1  Paragraphs flow logically from thesis to conclusion.1  The tone is appropriate to the content and assignment.1  Mechanics
4 Points PossiblePoints PossiblePoints EarnedCommentsRules of grammar, usage and punctuation are followed.1  Included 2 university library sources + the textbook1  Citations included & APA style followed as needed.1  Spelling is correct.1  Total Points200Submitted on Time?Date Due and Date Submitted:1/12/18 Yes! Full CreditAdjusted Points0Comments: 

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