Authors: wendy haight, phd; erin sugrue, msw, mpp, licsw; molly

Authors: wendy haight, phd; erin sugrue, msw, mpp, licsw; molly.


Authors: Wendy Haight, PhD; Erin Sugrue, MSW, MPP, LICSW; Molly Calhoun, MSW; James Black, MD, PhD; and Ruth Soffer- Elnekave, MSW
Published: May 2017, Updated August 2018

This series introduces viewers to the concept of moral injury, discuss the relevance of moral injury among parents involved in CPS, discusses the importance of retention of professionals in child welfare, and implications for policy and practice.

Please answer the following questions:

  • Write a response with 3 takeaways for child welfare practice as it is related to moral injury (Comp 1)
  • Note any aspect of diversity for the modules. (Comp 2)
  • Articulate areas of advocacy. (Comp 3)
  • Download the moral injury fact sheet for your records


Traumatic Stress Screening for Child Welfare Professionals Module Series (1.0 hr)

Authors: Sophia Frank, MA, Katelyn Donisch, MA, Chris Bray, Ph.D, and Abigail Gewirtz, Ph.D Date Published: August 2016

Module 1 provides you with a general overview of the tool and the background, development, and evidence supporting the Traumatic Stress Screening for Child Welfare Professionals. Module 2 will break down administration of the TSSCA step-by-step with video demonstrations. Module 2 will also introduce you to several practitioners who have used the screen in their practice. Lastly, Module 3 will provide next steps for after you have completed the Screen with a client.

Please answer the following questions:

  • Highlights the importance a proper assessment
  • Review the tools used in the module and articulate your understanding.
  • Articulate your takeaways from this module.


Trauma-Informed Social Work Practice: Practice Considerations and Challenges by: Carolyn Knight

  • Articulate your understanding of trauma-informed practice 
  • Review how incorporating the most recent theoretical and empirical literature assist when working with clients who have experienced trauma.
  • Articulate what new information you have gained from reading the above article.

Authors: wendy haight, phd; erin sugrue, msw, mpp, licsw; molly

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