True or false questions ch 7

True or false questions ch 7.

True or False Questions ch 71. It is important to repeat bad news several times to make sure the reader understands it.2. By presenting a mixed message, phrases like “I am sorry that we have chosen not to” can confuse the reader.3. The subject line in a bad news message should always be positive.4. A direct bad news message would be appropriate for minor delays.5. A direct bad news message should close with a goodwill statement that refers to the bad news.6. An indirect bad news message should end with a pleasant goodwill message.7. Internal messages on routine matters may not require buffers.8. An apology is always a good way to start an indirect bad news letter.9. An apology or statement of understanding is a type of bad news buffer.10. Company policy is a convincing part of an explanation.11. Including your personal reaction in an explanation of your employer’s refusal to comply with the reader’s request is a good way to maintain a connection with the reader.12. Implied refusals may backfire if readers don’t grasp the negative information.13. Putting the bad news at the end of a long sentence is a good idea.14. Apologies cannot expose organizations to legal liabilities.15. Repeating the bad news in the closing will solidify your position.16. In the closing, you should not apologize for refusing a request.17. The indirect strategy should be used when declining a request to write a letter of recommendation.18. An apology in a claim refusal can weaken your position.19. Whether to present bad news to employees directly or indirectly is a matter of corporate culture.20. A personal letter is a must for job applicants selected for interview but not hired.21. The indirect structure is a good choice for delivering bad news to job applicants.22. When declining an invitation, it is acceptable to send brief regrets for large-scale events where your absence is unlikely to be felt.23. The indirect structure is a good choice for giving a customer bad news about his or her order.24. When using the indirect strategy, it is preferable to combine the bad news with a reasonable explanation or good news alternative.25. An apology can serve the function of restoring dignity and a sense of justice.26. It is important to apologize for any serious trouble or inconvenience for which you or your company is responsible.27. Constantly using writer-centred remarks is effective because the remarks distract the reader from his or her own problems.28. Always begin a refusal letter with a big ego-booster for the reader.29. Offering good wishes to the reader is more important when declining job applications and invitations.30. Even when the matter mentioned in the negative message isn’t open for debate or discussion, the writer should always sign off with an offer to discuss the matter further

True or false questions ch 7

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