Organizational structure presentation powerpoints hcs/325

Organizational structure presentation powerpoints hcs/325.


Resources: Weeks Two through Four Organizational Structure Outline Worksheet assignments

Compile and review all feedback given from your Weeks Two through Four Organizational Structure Outline Worksheet assignment.

Develop a 5 slide Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation on the organizational structure of the rehabilitation center described in the scenario. Create the presentation for the audience you selected in Week Two.

Address the following in your presentation:

  • Strategies and methods needed      to influence organizational change and to minimize conflict

List the major points on the slides. The slide count excludes the title and reference slides.

Include detailed explanations that correlate to each point in the speaker notes.

Include videos, photos, diagrams, graphs, or audio as appropriate.

Format your presentation according to APA guidelines.

Organizational structure presentation powerpoints hcs/325

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