Ops/350 wk2 parts emporium case study

Ops/350 wk2 parts emporium case study.


Resource: Operations Management: Processes and Supply Chains, Ch. 9

Read CASE: Parts Emporium at the end of Ch. 9 (pp. 357).

Put yourself in Sue McCaskey’s position and prepare a detailed report to Dan Block and Ed Spriggs on managing the inventory of the EG151 exhaust gasket and the DB032 drive belt.

Write a 1,050- to 1,400-word report.

Discuss Parts Emporium supply chain and possible remedies for its supply chain problems.

Present a proper inventory system and recognize all relevant costs.

Discuss how your recommendations for these two items will reduce the annual cycle inventory, stock-out, and order costs.

Include strategic and tactical changes that might improve the company’s inventory performance, reduce variability, and improve customer service.

Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.

Ops/350 wk2 parts emporium case study

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