Reflection of one of the observed lessons

Reflection of one of the observed lessons.

 Observe a minimum of four lessons, two science and two health/PE/nutrition (an integrated health and science lesson may count for either requirement), led by certified 1-8 grade teachers. If possible, observe more than one classroom/teacher. Observe additional science and health lessons as needed, to reach those 5 hours. Take note of student collaboration, engagement, and safety.  Part 2  Write a 250-500 word reflection of one of the observed lessons, describing the following:  Student collaboration, engagement strategies, and safety procedures that were implemented during the observed lesson. Effectiveness of the teacher’s choices on student collaboration, engagement strategies, and safety procedures. What you would do differently regarding choices on student collaboration, engagement strategies, and safety procedures. APA format is not required, but solid academic writing is expected.  You are required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite. Refer to the LopesWrite Technical Support articles for assistance.  Document your time on your Clinical Field Experience Verification Form. Submit the completed Clinical Field Experience Verification Form to the Document Management System with your benchmark assignment in Topic 7. 

Reflection of one of the observed lessons

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