Reading and answer 9 question,2 full page

Reading and answer 9 question,2 full page.

What is the role of architectural history in Venturi’s Complexity and Contradiction? What does it mean to develop a “historical sense” according to Venturi’s reading of T.S. Eliot?

In your own words, what is architectural theory? How does it play a role in the work of the architect? What is the main difference between history and theory?

In Colin Rowe’s essay, “The Mathematics of the Ideal Villa,” how does he argue for the comparison between Palladio and Le Corbusier? What is to be gained by this comparison? What is his critique of modernism at this time? What does the title of the essay mean, in your opinion?

We have been studying architects who write books and essays. Can theory exist in other forms as well?

How would you characterize Colin Rowe’s writing style in his essay “The Mathematics of the Ideal Villa,” published in the journal Architectural Review in 1947? 

Robert Venturi’s Complexity and Contradiction in Architecture was criticized as a ‘picture book’ that essentially documents his prolonged vacation abroad. What does this criticism mean? How does Venturi’s time at the American Academy in Rome and travels relate to the tradition of the Grand Tour? 

What is program according to Summerson? According to Banham? 

What is Colomina’s argument about photography in regards to Le Corbusier? 

What is bracketed out of Peter Eisenman’s essay “Aspects of Modernism: Maison Dom-ino and the Self-Referential Sign” in terms of how he reads Le Corbusier’s dom-ino drawing?

Reading and answer 9 question,2 full page

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