Do training delivery discussion and reply to donald & christophers
Do training delivery discussion and reply to donald & christophers.
Consider your best workplace learning experience. Describe the training delivery method(s) used and identify the factors that contributed to making it an effective workplace learning experience. Then, consider your worst workplace learning experience. Describe the training delivery method(s) used and identify the factors that contributed to making it an ineffective workplace learning experience. Discuss what you would suggest to make each workplace learning experience more effective.
Your initial post should be 250 to 300 words. Use this week’s lecture as a foundation for your initial post. In addition to the Blanchard and Thacker (2013) text, use at least one additional scholarly source to support your discussion.
Respond to at least two other posts regarding items you found to be compelling and enlightening. To help you with your reply, please consider the following questions:
What did you learn from the posting?
What additional questions do you have after reading the posting?
What clarification do you need regarding the posting?
What differences or similarities do you see between your initial discussion thread and your classmates’ postings?
What are the differences or similarities in the delivery methods for your workplace learning experiences compared to those identified by others?
How do the factors that contributed to your best or worst workplace learning experience compare to those identified by others?
Your reply posts to Donald & Christophers discussion should be a minimum of 150-250 words each.
Donalds Dicussion:
The best workplace experience for me outside of the army was when I was training for a pss position (diplomatic security) for triple canopy. I would describe it as a fire hydrant full of information with your mouth open! I love hands on approach to things because for me its easier to learn, so with this company they give you a death by power point and then you execute what you learned. The implementation of everything you learned that day from 0700- 2000 back and forth from the classroom setting to the field. Thing is, there was so many things to learn so you cant go there with your glass full, a person needs to go there with a clear mind and be transparent and me doing that I learned so much from weapons tactics to hand to hand. Each trainer was a subject matter expert in their respective fields; The people in the classroom had the experience just to get to that point, from then on it went, lectorate, process, generalizability, practice or implement what we have learned, gained experience from knowledge that was passed. These conditions made it the best place to learn and work with those around you that wanted the same which in turn made it the most effective training I have ever had.
My current job has been the worst as far as training because they do the bare minimum when your introduced to the current environment. Although, it is force protection they do minimum weapons qualification and to almost no hands on approach to situations that may arise. The training is lazy at best and the trainer really doesn’t care and has no sense of urgency. The training could be compared to being a mall cop if I had to compare it to anything! It isn’t effective at all and they need leadership on all positions.
Blanchard, P. N., & Thacker, J. W. (2013). Effective training: Systems, strategies, and practices (5th ed). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education, Inc.
Christophers Discussion:
“Training methods can be divided into cognitive and behavioral approaches. The primary focus of these approaches differs, although cognitive methods contain behavioral elements, and behavioral methods have cognitive elements. Cognitive methods focus on knowledge and attitude development by providing information that demonstrates relationships among concepts or provides rules on how to do something. These methods stimulate learning through their effect on the trainee’s cognitive processes. Though these types of methods can influence skill development, it is not their focus. Conversely, behavioral methods focus on the trainee’s behavior in a real or simulated situation. They are best used for skill development and attitude change. Thus, both behavioral and cognitive learning methods can be used effectively to change attitudes, though they do so through different means”(Blachard & Thacker , 2013)The best workplace learning experienced I had was with a previous employer I had in which I sold company products. The methods that were used for training were role playing and demonstrations. Because I was in a sales position, demonstrations were utilized to explain what products were and how the company wanted them to be sold. Next, role play was conducted to allow trainees to perfect their sales pitch and gain insight from other sales personnel. This training method was effective because it was purposeful and allowed a level of engagement to occur that was conducive with learning objectives. This learning style allowed me to gain confidence in selling new company products.
“Workplace learning, referred to as knowledge sharing, is the exchange of information, skills, or expertise among employees of an organization that forms a valuable intangible asset and is dependent upon an organization culture that includes knowledge sharing, especially the sharing of the knowledge and skills that are acquired through informal workplace learning; performance support to promote informal workplace learning; and knowledge management to transform valuable informal workplace learning into knowledge that is promoted, captured, and shared throughout the organization”(Caruso , 2017) The worst training I have experience was with business simulators. At a previous employer all of our training was done virtually and it was very difficult to obtain learning objectives because there was no interactions. The simulators gave an abundance of information I did not retain because I could not apply the knowledge I was obtaining during training. My suggestion to make workplace learning more effective is to have blended learning. Using virtual and physical training programs will give trainees the necessary tools to apply to the workplace.
ReferencesBlanchard, P. N., & Thacker, J. W. (2013). Effective training: Systems, strategies, and practices (5th ed). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education, Inc. [Electronic version]
Caruso, S. J. (2017). A Foundation for Understanding Knowledge Sharing: Organizational Culture, Informal Workplace Learning, Performance Support, and Knowledge Management. Contemporary Issues In Education Research, 10(1), 45-52.
Do training delivery discussion and reply to donald & christophers