Class 4 | English homework help

Class 4 | English homework help.

 Read both classmates’ posts, answer the questions listed below. 

·  Consider the communication factors among team members that could cause a barrier to find a solution to the problem. Discuss your approach to effective communication.

·  In addition, discuss any barriers during the CQI process that might cause a breakdown in communication between the team members that your classmate chose to resolve their issue.

200 wordsPart 1/1.

Identify an issue that can occur within the hospital. Safety Incidents. Safety program updates.

What are we trying to accomplish? Continuous Quality Improvement states, “CQI begins with a clear vision of the transformed environment, identification of necessary changes to achieve that vision, and input from engaged team members who understand the needs for the practice” (Ambutas, 2017). Our hospital could benefit from an updated safety model, along with implementation of the CQI Plan-Do-Study-Act model as outlined on the Institute for Health Care Improvement’s How to Improve (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. website.
How will we know the change is an improvement? This year the hospital has had an average of 3 safety incidents per month. In the year following implementations of the new safety program, we will assess the amount of safety incidents, taking into consideration the nature of the incident. We will assess the effectiveness of the incident quarterly and again at the end of the year.

What changes can we make that will result in improvement? We will assign safety managers to each department, in charge of maintaining safe conditions in their designated areas. These managers will act as the liaisons between safety issues, and the safety department in the hospital. We will order new placards outlining safety procedures for fire exits, trips slips and falls warnings, and a simple reporting procedure to report things such as water spills or any other unsafe condition. The implementation results from Continuous Quality Improvement highlighted that “Success of the project was due to a shift in accountability”, this is important to realize because by implementing programs and increasing awareness of the situation you are placing accountability on the shoulders of the staff, as it should be. As they begin to take on more of that accountability, prevention of safety incidents becomes part of their job.

Our team of safety managers would be comprised of representatives from all over the hospital, in an effort to impact as much of the hospital as is possible. The safety managers will be the representative of the department; however safety is the responsibility of every staff member in the hospital so we will educate them all in a mass setting in order to maintain good understanding of the program.

What would you do if your performance initiative failed? What would be your next steps? If we found at anytime following implementation of the new safety program that there was an increase, or no change, in safety incidents we would go back to square one with research on safety implementation. We would hold safety information meetings with as many of the staff as possible on staff training days, and we would ask their opinion as well, on ways to increase safety within the environment of our hospital. KHALEY

200 words Part 1/2.

An issue that can occur within a hospital would be surgical instruments not being cleaned properly causing an infection control issue to patients.
We are trying to accomplish how to ensure that surgical instruments are being cleaned to their full potential. There will be a culture swab on all incoming instruments after the sanitation process has been completed prior to being put into peel packs and used for another surgery. The task will be over a 30 day period to have measurable data to identify the problem areas. Patients are at risk for infection and longer hospital stays due to an error in the cleaning and sanitation process. This healthcare improvement project will affect our surgical staff as well as our sanitation teams, which can include third party cleaning and sanitation companies. The all over hospital is affected with the project of improvement as an lawsuit pending on the facility has the possibility of ending the hospital as a whole.
It will be known that a change is an improvement by testing each change made several times before implementing another change to ultimately receive the goals and results required to be spread throughout the hospital and other outlying clinics with similar issues (Institute for Healthcare Improvement, n.d.).

Changes that can be made to ensure results in improvement are educating staff on the importance of infection prevention, risk, and patient safety. There is a process of trial and error so ensuring that there is no discouragement when there is a failed test run will keep the project of improvement running strong. Staying within the guidelines of time for the 30 day testing period is important to setting aims. The follow through with implementing change helps with spreading the change once there is a solution to improving the quality of the hospital. According to AHC Media (2019), “The infections are associated with inadequate instrument reprocessing and sterilization” (pg. 2). CHELSEY

 Read Part 2 of your class posts, and respond to them by answering the following questions below:

·  What would you consider to be the main obstacle in implementing the two aims your classmates chose?
·  What are your recommendations for resolving the obstacle to ensure the aim’s success?
                   List at least one scholarly source to support your recommendation

200 words Part 2/1.CHELSEY


Implications regarding safety in the quality of care to patients is a large concern. When there is no safety being practiced within a hospital there is room for error that will effect patients. Seeing a patient and letting them leave worse than when they initially came in is an implication that can render a hospital liable for wrong doing and opens the doors to litigation.
A hospital can meet the aim of safe by simply saying something. When you see something say something to ensure the safety of patients and hospital personnel. According to Stopher, (2014) “The ultimate goal of health services is to provide a smooth continuum of safe, effective, holistic care to patients” (para. 1).


Implications of patient-centered would be allowing a patient with chronic pain to suffer because you cannot see the pain therefore you assume it can be fake and have no compassion for the patient. If a hospital does not culturally find a way to comfort a patient whether it is sex, religion, age or more the hospital will find itself in an non patient-centered predicament that will ultimately cause loss of revenue. Word of mouth from patients to friends, family, and the community can greatly negatively affect a hospital known to not help with pain management. 
A hospital can meet an aim in patient-centered care by allowing and promoting diversity within the medical facility and promoting education to teach hospital staff how to better serve patients. Patient values should come first when being seen in a hospital and should ultimately be considered first while treating a patient. According to Peilot, Andrell, Gottfries, Sundler, and Mannheimer (2018) “A patient-centered approach in combination with sub-grouping in MPI and assessment of SOC, anxiety, depression burnout, and HRQoL may give important knowledge and understanding of individual resilience and vulnerability among patients with chronic pain” (pg. 8).
200 words Part 2/2.THAKAR

The two aims that I chose are patient-centered care and safety. I feel that these two things go hand in hand with one another when it comes to health care.
Patient safety is the expectation of people that they will receive care with minimal to no risk of errors or preventable adverse effects (Rathert, 2005). When it comes to the implication of quality of care surrounding patient safety it is not a black and white area as many adverse effects and mishaps of errors often go unreported (Rather, 2005). However, patient safety is something that healthcare professionals should not take lightly. Per Cheryl Rathert, there is a group called the Leapfrog group that has gone above and beyond to help improve the safety and quality of hospitals by researching if they had things like computerized order entry systems, evidenced-based hospital referrals, and certain staffing criteria (Rathert, 2005). With these things, they found that thousands of lives were saved each year and therefore simply having these things improved quality of care. When a patient’s safety is put at risk and it is not reported it doesn’t allow patients to make a good decision about their care which then could put them at risk. According to Cheryl Rathert, patient safety created a direct relationship between patient-centered care and patient satisfaction.

Patient-centered care is the idea that patients have a say and an understanding of their health and healthcare needs. According to Cheryl Rathert (2005), patient feedback plays a vital role in decisions that are being made for quality improvement. Patient care consists of eight things that include coordinated and integrated care, respect for patient preferences, emotional support, the involvement of family, physical comfort, education and communication, the transition from hospital to home, and access to care (Rathert, 2005). If these eight things don’t screen ways to improve the quality of care, I am not sure what else will. Patients are at the forefront of what healthcare is all about and if our patients aren’t happy then our quality is going to take a hit and over time there will be nothing left. These eight things are our way to a higher quality for all patients and to think it all starts with patient-centered care.

DUE 3/2/20 @10AM Eastern w/plag report

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