Case analysis – coca-cola & costa coffee

Case analysis – coca-cola & costa coffee.




Coca-Cola/Costa Coffee Case Analysis (25% of the grade)

The Case for this assignment is Case: Coca-Cola Brews a Hot Acquisition: Costa Coffee

Find the case in Content>Course Resources>eReadings

Cite this case as:

Maamoun, A., (2020). Coca-Cola brews a hot acquisition: Costa coffee. In SAGE Business Cases. 2020. 10.4135/9781529724554

Case Study Goals: 

  • Understand the scope of challenges when entering into new markets
  • Apply cultural considerations in adapting a global brand to a local context
  • Critically assess marketing implementation strategies
  • Identify potential country markets that match with a company’s core competencies
  • Demonstrate critical thinking and effective writing skills consistent with a 400-level college course

Case Study Objectives:  

  1. Understand how a company’s management orientation can direct their approach to foreign market entry
  2. Demonstrate understanding and application of the external environments affecting global marketing activities
  3. List, describe and apply the different modes of foreign market entry 
  4. Analyze qualitative country and business facts and their implication on global marketing strategy
  5. Make and defend your country selection and business decisions
  6. Develop critical thinking skills by demonstrating ability to apply global marketing concepts to a particular situation
  7. Demonstrate college-level writing skills consistent with a 400-level course.

Please answer the following questions in your case analysis (not the questions in the case study).

  1. Why did Coca-Cola acquire Costa Coffee?
  2. What has made Costa Coffee successful so far?
  3. Based on the case narrative, identify two issues challenging Costa Coffee’s current operations.  What would you recommend Coca-Cola/Costa do to address those challenges? 
  4. Assume Coca-Cola is interested in introducing Costa Coffee to the United States.  How will the U.S market be different from what Costa Coffee has experienced in Europe, Asia, and Africa?
  5. For its first U.S. expansion project, what U.S city would you recommend to Costa Coffee for its launch?  Be sure to explain your rationale in terms of why that city would be an attractive expansion strategy.
  6. Create a SWOT analysis for Costa Coffee entering the US market. Include three (each) strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. Remember that in a SWOT analysis, strengths and weaknesses are internal, while opportunities and threats are external.  

PREPARE your Case Study as follows:

  1. Carefully read the case once for a review and then a second time for specific content information. Be sure to give special emphasis on the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats for the organization.  Be prepared to discuss the organization in terms of mode of entry, operational policies as well as extent of customization based on cultural considerations.
  2. Thoroughly read the chapters in the weekly conferences and conduct additional outside research on country and business resources.
  3. Review the following global marketing topics to ensure you understand the marketing principles and can demonstrate you can apply them in this case.  
  4. Be sure you understand all of the global marketing concepts covered in this case and review these concepts in the course modules if needed:
  • Marketing environment
  • Management orientations
  • Foreign market entry
  • Global branding principles
  • Product development
  • Branding
  • Pricing
  • Promotion
  • Distribution
  • SWOT analysis

3. Prepare thoughtful answers to the questions being asked!

4. Follow ALL the guidelines for writing and submitting your Written Assignment

5. The Written Assignment should be 4-5 pages in length. 

Special Note:

Formulate your own answers based on case facts and your own external research. Remember, your case will be assessed by Turnitin prior to grading.  


Case analysis – coca-cola & costa coffee

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