At the end of january 2014, the records of donner company showed the

At the end of january 2014, the records of donner company showed the.

CF Unit4 P7-3 Evaluating Four


P7-3 Evaluating Four Alternative Inventory Methods Based on Income and Cash Flow LO7-2, 7-3


At the end of January 2014, the records of Donner Company showed the following for a particular item that sold at $16 per unit:





  Inventory, January 1, 2014


 $                    2,365


  Purchase, January 12




  Purchase, January 26












1a.  Compute Cost of Goods Sold under each method of inventory: average cost, FIFO, LIFO, and specific identification. For specific identification, assume that the first sale was selected from the beginning inventory and the second sale was selected from the January 12 purchase. (Round unit price to 2 decimal places. Input all amounts as positive values.)

Input areas are shaded.



2a.  FIFO and LIFO, which method would result in the higher pretax income?


2b. FIFO and LIFO, which would result in the higher EPS?


3  FIFO and LIFO, which method would result in the lower income tax expense? Assume a 30 percent average tax rate.



4   FIFO and LIFO, which method would produce the more favorable cash flow?

At the end of january 2014, the records of donner company showed the

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