Read and answer 100 | English homework help
Read and answer 100 | English homework help.
1. Thesis: What is the PRIMARY DEFINITION?
A. If it is a Direct Thesis, copy it down. (include para)
B. If you could not locate a “Direct Thesis” and thus it is an “Indirect” or implied Thesis; write down what you believe is the thesis of the paper.
C. Answer: Do you agree or disagree with the author’s assertion or definition of the term?
2. Supporting Arguments:
A. What are the main arguments or supporting “definitions”? (there may be several: provide minimum 4)
B. Are these arguments or definitions persuasive? Why or why not?
3. Definition: How do you define the term (word or concept) of the essay in your own words? Write your own defining statement
[example: To me, “word” means……]
4. Vocabulary: Choose 3 new words from the text to learn. Provide the following:
A. Paragraph/line it is found in
B. The definition/ synonym
C. Word family (noun/ adj/ adverb/ verb)- as available
D. An example: use the word in a QUALITY sentence that demonstrates the meaning and your understanding of the word.
5. Critical Thinking: Why is this term important? Consider all aspects: to the text, to you, to various audiences, culturally, socially, globally (write a complete paragraph)