leveraging search technologi | Computer Science homework help

leveraging search technologi | Computer Science homework help.

  Leveraging Search Technologi

Google is the world’s premier search engine with more than 60,000 searches made every second, which equates to between five and six billion searches on any given day. As a result, the company is highly profitable earning around $100 billion in advertising revenue each year.

Research an organization located in the Kingdom Saudi Arabia and discuss the following:

· What type of search engine technology is the company using?

· Discuss the benefits the company is gaining from using that technology?

· What sort of metrics does the company use to measure the success of the utilized search engine technology?

· What other metrics might the company consider using to measure the success of the utilized search engine technology? Why?


1. Chapter 6 in Information Technology for Management: On-Demand Strategies for Performance, Growth, and Sustainability

2. Wei, L., & Na, C. (2020). Personalized recommendation algorithm based on improved trustworthiness. 2020 International Conference on Robots & Intelligent System (ICRIS), 526–528.

3. Drivas, I. C., Sakas, D. P., Giannakopoulos, G. A., & Kyriaki-Manessi, D. (2020). Big Data Analytics for Search Engine Optimization. Big Data and Cognitive Computing, 4(5), 5.


Chapter 6 PowerPoint slides


  • Be 4-5 pages in length
  • Use APA (7th ed) style guideline
  • Support work with course material concepts, principles, and theories from the textbook and at least seven scholarly, peer-reviewed journal articles

leveraging search technologi | Computer Science homework help

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