Discussion – 2 paragraphs | Business & Finance homework help

Discussion – 2 paragraphs | Business & Finance homework help.

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One of the things that I love about the insurance and risk management industry is that you get to see some crazy stuff, like that what we saw in the article. In our story criminal charges were filed against “Dr. Val”. This doesn’t always happen. Typically what happens in situations like this, the wrongdoer, in this case “Dr. Val”, gets sued in civil court by a party that sustained injury or loss from the wrongdoer. Some types of insurance policies, like a professional liability policy, will actually cover damages by these types of events. If an insurance policy covers the alleged damages that are stated in the suit, the insurer will typically hire an attorney to defend the party, in this case “Dr. Val”, against the suit. A suit is the last option we have and we typically want to avoid it due to the high cost and lengthy battle involved. There are ways to prevent this from happening as we have learned in the text.

For this discussion I would like you to imagine that you are a patient in need of dental services. If you asked your dentist to see their license, what kind of risk control (Ch 3) technique would you be using? What are some other risk control techniques that you can use to ensure that the dentist you see is an actual dentist and not “Dr. Val”?

Now, lets say that “Dr. Val” treated you and you were one of the unlucky patients that received a botched root canal. “Dr. Val” doesn’t have insurance because she isn’t a licensed dentist. You can sue “Dr. Val”, but she probably doesn’t have any assets (cash, property, etc.) that you can go after. Are there any resources you can access to help you recovery from this incident?


Lastly, besides making sure dentists are licensed, what can the government do to prevent cases like this from happening? Be creative and think out of the box on this part.


I need a two paragraph, 10 sentences per paragraph, its should be in a discussion format about the given topic.

Please keep it simple and clear. 


Discussion – 2 paragraphs | Business & Finance homework help

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