An advertisement claims that fasto stomach calm will provide relief

An advertisement claims that fasto stomach calm will provide relief.


An advertisement claims that Fasto Stomach Calm will provide relief from indigestion in less than 10 minutes. For a test of the claim, 35 individuals were given the product; the average time until relief was 9.25 minutes. From past studies, the standard deviation of the population is known to be 2 minutes. Can you conclude that the claim is justified? Find the P-value and let a=0.05

Once down to about 15, the world’s only wild flock of whooping cranes now numbers a record 237 birds in its Texas Costal Bend wintering ground. The average whooping crane egg weighs 208 grams. A new batch of eggs was recently weighed, and their weights are listed below. At a=0.01, is there sufficient evidence to conclude that the weight is greater than 208 grams? 210 208.5 211.6 212 210.3 210.2 209 206.4 209.7

An advertisement claims that fasto stomach calm will provide relief

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