For catherine owens only | Business & Finance homework help

For catherine owens only | Business & Finance homework help.


Scenario: Sam is an employee of ABC Paper Corp. He signed a non-disclosure agreement as a condition of his employment with ABC. Sam is approached by XYZ Paper Co. with an offer of employment, but only if he brings his client list with him. Sam was fully responsible for creating his client list, so he agrees to provide it to XYZ. When Sam downloads his client list onto an external flash drive, he is caught in the act by his boss Natalie. Sam grabs the flash drive and runs out of his office, shoving Natalie aside when she attempts to stop him. 

Natalie falls and hits her head against the doorknob, suffering a concussion. 

Develop a 1,050-word analysis using the information posed in the scenario.

  • Identify if there is an intellectual property at issue here. If so, what type?
  • Discuss if Sam’s actions are ethical. Why or why not?
  • Discuss the types of tort, if any, Sam committed. Did any of the other parties in this scenario commit a tort?
  • Discuss if any of Sam’s actions subject him to criminal liability.

Cite a minimum of three peer-reviewed references.

Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines. 

For catherine owens only | Business & Finance homework help

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