Wrok for finance:1. summary of money museum in chicago. 2. buffett

Wrok for finance:1. summary of money museum in chicago. 2. buffett.

Fin 300 – Extra Credit opportunity – Spring 2018

There are two opportunities to gain 1 point each toward your final grade. As an example, if your final calculated average is 78.5% and you have submitted both EC assignments, then your grade would increase to 80.5%.

Go to the Money Museum in the Federal Reserve building at LaSalle and Jackson. It is free to enter and walk around; expect 45-60 minutes. Submit into Submissions a 375-425 word essay describing what you found interesting about the museum.

Read the Warren Buffett shareholder letter containing in Content. Place in Submissions a 375-425 word essay summarizing what you found interesting and applicable to our class.

This opportunity is available until midnight on the last day of class. There is plenty of advance time. There is no imaginable reason that anyone would ask for an extension.

Fin 300 – Extra Credit opportunity – Spring 2018

There are two opportunities to gain 1 point each toward your final grade. As an example, if your final calculated average is 78.5% and you have submitted both EC assignments, then your grade would increase to 80.5%.

Go to the Money Museum in the Federal Reserve building at LaSalle and Jackson. It is free to enter and walk around; expect 45-60 minutes. Submit into Submissions a 375-425 word essay describing what you found interesting about the museum.

Read the Warren Buffett shareholder letter containing in Content. Place in Submissions a 375-425 word essay summarizing what you found interesting and applicable to our class.

This opportunity is available until midnight on the last day of class. There is plenty of advance time. There is no imaginable reason that anyone would ask for an extension.

Fin 300 – Extra Credit opportunity – Spring 2018

There are two opportunities to gain 1 point each toward your final grade. As an example, if your final calculated average is 78.5% and you have submitted both EC assignments, then your grade would increase to 80.5%.

Go to the Money Museum in the Federal Reserve building at LaSalle and Jackson. It is free to enter and walk around; expect 45-60 minutes. Submit into Submissions a 375-425 word essay describing what you found interesting about the museum.

Read the Warren Buffett shareholder letter containing in Content. Place in Submissions a 375-425 word essay summarizing what you found interesting and applicable to our class.

This opportunity is available until midnight on the last day of class. There is plenty of advance time. There is no imaginable reason that anyone would ask for an extension.

Extra Credit Opportunity for Money and Banking 320 – Spring 2018

There are two opportunities for one point each. You can do none, either, or both. For each, you can earn one point on top of your final calculated grade. For each, write a 375-425 word essay about the following topic options:

Future of Bitcoin. What is your view of the future progression of bitcoin. Will it survive…will it thrive? Why? Describe any interesting challenges. Do not bother with citing other people’s work…should be all your own thinking.

The Big Short. Read the book or watch the movie. What was interesting/surprising/relevant?

In both cases, feel free to answer any or all of the questions but stay on the main topic in bold. Place your submission into Submissions by the last day of class. Grading is binary…either acceptable or unacceptable. A good college try that is original work is acceptable

Wrok for finance:1. summary of money museum in chicago. 2. buffett

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