Discharge teaching on tina jones

Discharge teaching on tina jones.


Evidence-based discharge teaching is critical in promoting health and impacting readmissions. You will address Tina Jones’ diagnoses; asthma, dehydration, and wound infection, providing education that will support adherence and prevent readmission.  Provide clear guidance for wound care, infection control, medications, diet, blood sugar monitoring, activity, and follow-up that will optimize her health. 

Discharge teaching on Tina Jones on the following:


Addresses all areas of the diagnosis, including pathophysiology, risk factors, and health promotion using current EBP in a patient centered manner demonstrating caring behaviors with use of therapeutic communication.


Addresses all areas of the diagnosis, including pathophysiology, risk factors, and health promotion using current EBP in a patient centered manner demonstrating caring behaviors with use of therapeutic communication. 


Addresses all areas of the diagnosis, including pathophysiology, risk factors, and health promotion

nursing current EBP in a patient centered manner demonstrating caring behaviors with use of therapeutic communication


Addresses all areas of the diagnosis, including pathophysiology, risk factors, and health promotion using current EBP in a patientcentered manner demonstrating caring behaviors with use of therapeutic communication. 


Thorough instruction on asepsis, wound care and equipment using current EBP in a patient-centered manner demonstrating caring behaviors with use of therapeutic communication


Thorough instruction on medications, including indication, dosing, adverse effects, adherence, and administration using EBP in a patient-centered manner demonstrating caring behaviors with use of therapeutic communication. 


Thorough instruction on activity, including bathing, equipment, and safety using EBP in a patientcentered manner demonstrating caring behaviors with use of therapeutic communication


Thorough instruction on proper diet for diabetes management, including counting carbohydrates, hypo- and hyperglycemia, and lifestyle changes using EBP in a patient-centered manner demonstrating caring behaviors with use of therapeutic communication


Thorough instruction on instructions on follow-up plan, including appointments and warning signs of potential problems using EBP in a patient-centered manner demonstrating caring behaviors with use of therapeutic communication. 

No errors in APA, Spelling, and Punctuation. Provides two or more references.

3-4 pages

Discharge teaching on tina jones

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