Assignment: 5-1 short paper | Psychology homework help

Assignment: 5-1 short paper | Psychology homework help.


Consider the following examples of research findings:

  1. High satisfaction with one’s direct supervisor leads to lower levels of employee turnover. In other words, employees who are highly satisfied with their direct supervisor are less likely to leave an organization than employees who are dissatisfied with their direct supervisor (DeConinck, 2009).
  2. High levels of parental reading are associated with faster cognitive development in young children. In other words, children who are read to more by their parents show faster cognitive development than children who are read to less often (National Scientific Council on the Developing Child, 2007).
  3. The experience of being socially excluded leads to increases in aggressive behavior. Research has found that when people are excluded by others, they are more likely to behave aggressively, even to people who did not initially exclude them (Twenge, Baumeister, Tice, & Stucke, 2001).
  4. Defendants who wear glasses are less likely to be convicted by juries as being guilty of committing violent crimes (Brown, Henriquez, & Groscup, 2008).

In a brief paper, describe a potential mediator and moderator that could apply to each research finding. Be sure to clearly explain what a mediator and moderator are, and be sure to clearly describe how they relate to each research situation

I have attached sample paper below no plag and no grammar issues. Will not be able to redo assignment so make sure its right. The sample paper is here so you can rewrite it in own words. Do not copy this sample attached. 

Assignment: 5-1 short paper | Psychology homework help

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