Strategic knowledge management | Business & Finance homework help

Strategic knowledge management | Business & Finance homework help.


“Before we measure something we must ask whether we understand what it is we are trying to measure.” (Gray et al, 2015)

Critically discuss the above statement in relation to effectively developing the strategic knowledge base in YOUR organization (use an organization as example)

A strong essay will use th key themes below to  develop the analysis, namely:

1)Knowledge Management/Environment 

2)Communities of Practice/Interest

3)The Challenge of Performance Measurement 

4)Intellectual Capital and Social Networks

Organisational examples should be used to illustrate the themes covered in the essay. However, the essay is not a case study; it is a discussion of relevant theory.

Remember that a critical study aims to provide a balanced analysis of differing perspectives, and points of view, before drawing the argument to a coherent conclusion

Required: A wordprocessed essay with referencing to literature. The essay will be 3,000 (+/- 10%) words (inclusive of appendices, NOT inclusive of references).

In order to complete this activity you need to undertake three principal tasks:

(1) Utilise academic research using literature from journals, books, etc.

(2) Undertake a critical evaluation making effective use of evidence and sources

(3) Present findings in an appropriate format (ensure that Harvard referencing is used)

Strategic knowledge management | Business & Finance homework help

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