Speech/discussion: “the science of stage fright” watch 4 minutes

Speech/discussion: “the science of stage fright” watch 4 minutes.

***Due Friday night August 28, 2020

Speech/Discussion: “The Science of Stage Fright”

let’s take a different approach to understanding speech anxiety.
Watch the video above to learn more about that “nervous feeling” you may get before you present a speech.  Where does it come from and how do you “deal” with it? You’ll want to ask yourself specifically: 
According to this video, what is stage fright? 
Describe some of the psychological or physiological reactions you experience just prior to getting up in front of a group to present or perform. 
Explain why (according to the video) it’s often difficult to entirely rid ourselves of stage fright, and why, even if we could, we might not want to. In your own words, why do you think some nervousness might actually be helpful when giving a speech? 
Finally, of the 6 anxiety-reducing tips that the video and the reading in this lesson provided you with, which 3 do you believe would be most helpful in reducing the stage fright you experience prior to presenting in front of a camera or in a public setting? Describe the 3 tips specifically and explain why using them would be helpful to you. 
So, once you’ve gathered your thoughts about these 4 bullet points, tell us what you’ve learned in a “low pressure” 3 to 4 minute informal “talk”.  Tell us what you discovered.  Use personal experience along with information from the video and the digital text.
Yes, your assignment here is to give a brief informal speech about speech anxiety. (You’re not doing a written discussion here, you’re talking to us about what you learned.)
You see, this is your opportunity to learn more about speech anxiety by speaking to your classmates without the pressure of being graded on delivery techniques. We’re focusing on content here. We’re focusing on your message.  What do you want to tell us about your experience with the nervousness that comes from speaking in front of a group of people or in front of a camera lens?  

Speech/discussion: “the science of stage fright” watch 4 minutes

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