Just read the question and answer it

Just read the question and answer it.

Part one: 

We Are So Forked

Discussion Instructions:
Read “We Are So Forked” from pages 80-82 of Practical Argument. The first time you read it, just read for understanding. Write a short (5-7 sentences) summary of “We Are So Forked.”
Read “We Are So Forked” again, critically. This time, answer these 11 questions (in complete sentences with explanations) in your primary post:
1) What is the writer’s general subject?
2) What is the writer’s purpose in writing this argument (entertain, educate, persuade, motivate)?
3) What is the writer’s position on the subject (is she for or against recycling)?
4) Does the writer support her ideas mainly with facts or her opinions?
5) What evidence (data, statistics, experts, etc) does the writer use to support her position?
6) Is her evidence convincing or not? Why?
7) Does the writer present opposing ideas and refute them effectively?
8) What kind of audience is the writer addressing (a general audience; people who are interested in recycling; people who oppose it; who don’t care about it or are indifferent)?
9) Does the writer see the audience as hostile, friendly, or neutral?
10) Does the writer establish herself as well informed, fair, and reasonable?
11) Does the writer seem to exhibit bias? If so, does the bias affect her argument?

Part two : 
Provide a description of 1) deductive reasoning and 2) inductive reasoning. How are the different?
Provide an example of (choose one) a deductive argument, a syllogism, an enthymeme, or an inductive argument. Be sure to indicate what the example is (deductive, enthymeme, etc.)

Just read the question and answer it

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