Peanut butter memo revision | English homework help

Peanut butter memo revision | English homework help.

Length: No more than 1 page
Format: Memo
You’re a Senior Marketer at Peanut Butter, a Chicago-based startup that helps companies offer student loan relief to their employees. In its quest for funding and publicity, PB is hosting Kintaro Kaneda, a well-known investor and financial influencer in Japan’s startup scene. You’ve taken on the responsibility of facilitating Mr. Kaneda’s visit to Chicago and the PB offices.
Your CEO believes that if Mr. Kaneda’s visit runs smoothly, he may invest in PB or promote it abroad. You’re excited about this possibility, but you’re also concerned. A Junior Marketer, Richard, emailed Mr. Kaneda his itinerary, but Mr. Kaneda’s reply is… concerning. 
He doesn’t seem to understand how to catch his flights or get to PB’s offices. He’s (understandably) concerned about the US’s high number of COVID-19 cases compared to Japan’s. Also, he seems to think Richard is PB’s CEO. Upon reviewing Richard’s initial memo, you’ve decided to send Mr. Kaneda a new one yourself, clarifying the previous memo’s content.
Based on the Memo Activity in the Week 1 module, write a new memo from the Senior Marketer’s perspective (yours, NOT Richard’s) that uses professional writing best practices and reflects PAT, or
● Accomplishes its primary and/or multiple purposes
● Demonstrates audience awareness
● Uses an effective tone

Peanut butter memo revision | English homework help

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