Evaluation essay | English homework help

Evaluation essay | English homework help.

EVALUATION ASSIGNMENTThe goal of an evaluation is to determine if something is “good” or not. This is usually done to establish whether or not a product is worth the cost that it is being sold for, although it can also be used for establishing the quality of work done by an employee or student. You will be formally evaluating a product that costs $50 or more.PURPOSE This assignment requires two steps before beginning your analysis: establishing theproduct category and choosing the criteria used to judge the product. Establishing the category is important because you want your reader to clearly understand how you view the product, and you want your criteria to reflect that category. For example, the criteria by which you judge a truck will be different than the ones you judge any motor vehicle by. Being clear and specific about the category will help you communicate your perspective and purpose to the audience and will help you remain impartial as you judge the product.AUDIENCE Your audience will consist of your scholarly peers whom you may assume are alsointerested in purchasing the same type of item that you are evaluating.CONTENT/SUBJECT Your evaluation will begin by establishing what product is being evaluated, how muchthe product costs, and what three criteria you will be evaluating the product on. Each body paragraph should address one criteria each, establishing the idea for eachcriteria before judging the product. Finally, you will want to conclude with a judgement about whether or not the product isworth the cost. A few questions you may consider as you craft your essay:     
    Do not include any sources. This essay should be written entirely in your own words.

Evaluation essay | English homework help

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