Elaborators- english composition | English homework help

Elaborators- english composition | English homework help.

II.   ELABORATORS: The second sentence of the introductory paragraph, this  statement is closely related to and explains the opener, generally by giving  either

a.  Some reasons for the situation expressed in the opener

  Nowadays, being an effective parent can be difficult. As a parent, you must constantly worry about the many negative influences and dangers that are present.

 b. Or more information about the topic

   In the last five years, we have seen an increase in the number of marriages and a decline in the number of divorces. In fact, the divorce rate is the lowest it has been since 1979.



      Add 2 elaborators to the openers below.


1.    How to Meet New People/topic

            When I first moved to Miami, I didn’t know anyone except my immediate family.


2.    How to Be an Effective Parent

         Most people will tell you that one of the most difficult jobs in the world is being a  parent.



3.    How to Have a Successful Marriage

            Getting married is one of the most important decisions that you will ever make.




 4.    How to Reduce Stress

            Because of our hectic lifestyles, almost everyone today is affected by stress.



5.   How to Improve Your English Speaking Skills

             Good English speaking skills can be a tremendous asset.


Elaborators- english composition | English homework help

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