reflection journal | English homework help

reflection journal | English homework help.

 Reflection Journal
One of the most effective ways we can understand what it is we know, what we have learned, and what we still need to know is through reflective writing. While reflective writing is not, by definition, technical writing, this weekly exercise should help you to better assess your progress through the course and course concepts.
Journal Topics:  Ethical Considerations and Visual Elements
This journal has two parts and Chapter 2 and Chapter 15 of the textbook are the foundation for this reflection.
Part I:  Ethical Considerations
·  According to the textbook, what is a definition of ethics for a technical writer?
·  The textbook author, Leo Finkelstein, Jr. asks: …”what do good and worthy mean?”  Briefly reflect on what good and worthy mean to you in relation to technical writing
·  Several ethical rules/standards are listed in the textbook (Finkelstein pp. 13-14.)  Pick one of them and reflect on what that standard means to you.  Support your discussion with at least one example of a violation of the standard.  Be specific.
Part 2:  Visuals
Chapter 15, Visuals, covers several topics related to the use of visual elements in technical writing. Pick one of the following topics and reflect on the topic, using ideas from the reading to support your discussion.  Your discussion can include examples from personal experience.
·  Guidelines for Design of Visuals – discussion should center around one of more of the guidelines.
·  Types of Visuals – What types of visuals have you used? What types of visuals do you like to see in presentations?
·  Image Alteration – In the context of technical writing, how can image alteration be a benefit? What are the ethical concerns that should be considered?
Journal Requirements
·  Between 250 and 350 words in length.
·  Respond to all prompts in the instructions.
·  Use information from the readings or videos to support your ideas and credit (identify) the source(s) used.
·  Proofread to eliminate technical errors (e.g. spelling, grammar, punctuation).

reflection journal | English homework help

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