Problem solving lesson plan | English homework help

Problem solving lesson plan | English homework help.


One of the most crucial components of instructing a mathematics lesson is to find a way for the instruction to be relevant to the students. Another is how mathematics can apply real-world context giving students the chance to problem solve. Verbal and nonverbal communication techniques are strategies used during the lesson that guide the teacher to meet the needs of all students. Nonverbal communication techniques may consist of environmental clues and manipulatives that can be added to enhance the lesson.

This lesson will be focused on the content area of problem solving.

Part 1: Lesson Plan

For this assignment, select a K-8 grade level and state standard in the area of measurement and use the “COE Lesson Plan Template” to design an original lesson plan. Be sure to focus on problem solving in a real-world context (e.g., building a house, measuring for carpet, etc.), and include a media component to enhance the lesson to facilitate conceptual understanding and higher order thinking processes

Use the “Class Profile” to decide on differentiation strategies to meet the diverse needs of students. 

Part 2: Reflection

In 250-500 words, provide a rationale that explains how you will use effective verbal, nonverbal, and media communication techniques to foster students’ active inquiry, collaboration, and supportive interaction in the mathematics content area. Explain mathematical instructional strategies that create a real-world context and relevance to students.

Support your findings with three scholarly resources.

Problem solving lesson plan | English homework help

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