Organizational ethical analysis paper | Business & Finance homework help
Organizational ethical analysis paper | Business & Finance homework help.
Each group will write a research paper on an organization of their choice 10-12 pages minimum (not including title and reference sheet). The organizational analysis will utilize a minimum of 10-12 external, peer-reviewed academic sources and contain the following sections:
· What is the organization and how would you describe it?
· Who are the leaders of the organization?
· Is the organization successful?
· How do you determine whether an organization is ethical or not?
· Based on your assessment and research, is the organization ethical?
· (6) What would you change about the organization to make it better, without sacrificing ethical standards?
We choose Google as Organization
I Have to write 1 page on question 6
Reference must be from 2015 or latest
Organizational ethical analysis paper | Business & Finance homework help