Evaluative response essay (part 1) and writing assignment( part 2)

Evaluative response essay (part 1) and writing assignment( part 2).

Part 1 –
Before you begin Writing Assignment #2 – Evaluative Response, please read our textbook Chapter3.pdf on direct quotes and Chapter4.pdf word choice.
Carefully read and re-read How to Turn Debate into Dialogue.pdf  Summarize what the author is arguing and then tell me if you agree and/or disagree.  Support your point-of-view by analyzing and evaluating the argument with your own knowledge, life experience, and observations.  Two-thirds of this essay should analyze NOT summarize.  Please use 2-3 direct quotes.  In order to use quotes correctly, read Chapter3.pdf of your textbook and the handout, Quote Sandwich.docx.
Your essay should be 2-3 pages in length.  Don’t forget to double space and use 12 pt. font.
Using Evidence:
To support your thesis (your point-of-view) , you must use evidence from the source essay and your own observations and life experiences.  Please do not include any outside research sources.

Part 2 – 
Activity 2A (3 pts.)

Write a short summary (thesis plus the main points) of the reading, How to Turn Debate into Dialogue.pdf Your summary only needs to be one-half to one page long.  Remember to double space!

Activity 2B (3 pts.)

Create an outline (or map) of your Evaluative Response essay that you are writing this week.  You may want to include the three direct quotes that you’ve chosen to include in your essay.  Your outline or map should be one page.  

Read these pages from our textbook, Chapter8.pdf if you need to review what an outline consists of and/or how it should be formatted: Pages 315 -323 on Outlining 

8.2 Outlining

Evaluative response essay (part 1) and writing assignment( part 2)

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