Eschholz et al reading critically quiz

Eschholz et al reading critically quiz.

 Find the quiz for the Henry Louis Gates Jr. story excerpt “What’s in a Name?” here. (The excerpt is in the “Eschholz et al Reading Critically”  which is attached for you). Please answer the questions below:
1.  Look at the Biographical Note. What about Gates lets us know that he is a credible source for this story?
2. What is the most recently published work by Gates?
3. The epigraph features a powerful quote by James Baldwin. Who is Baldwin and why do you think Gates chose to use a quote from him in this story?
4.What does the term “moonlighted” mean in this story?
5. In the story, Mr. Wilson uses the name “George” to refer to Gates’ father as opposed to his real name. In what ways is this more or less offensive than using the names in the epigraph at the beginning of the story?
6. Why do you think Gates said he could never again look Mr. Wilson in the eye?
7. Dialogue refers to a conversation between two or more people. Why do you think Gates chose to use dialogue instead of describing the exchange between Mr. Wilson and Gates’ father? How does this add or take away from the story?
8. Now that you’ve read the story, do you think that the title (which refers to the Shakespearian quote “What’s in a name? A rose by any other name might still smell as sweet.”) fits this story? Why or why not?
9. Did you complete this reading? Why or why not?

Eschholz et al reading critically quiz

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