Assignment: outlining a logic model | SOCW 6311 – Social Work Practice Research II | Walden University

Assignment: outlining a logic model | SOCW 6311 – Social Work Practice Research II | Walden University.


A logic model is a tool that can be used in planning a program. Using a logic model, social workers can systematically analyze a proposed new program and how the various elements involved in a program relate to each other. At the program level, social workers consider the range of problems and needs that members of a particular population present. Furthermore, at the program level, the logic model establishes the connection between the resources needed for the program, the planned interventions, the anticipated outcomes, and ways of measuring success. The logic model provides a clear picture of the program for all stakeholders involved.

 To prepare for this Assignment, review the case study of the Petrakis family, located in this week’s resources. Conduct research to locate information on an evidence-based program for caregivers like Helen Petrakis that will help you understand her needs as someone who is a caregiver for multiple generations of her family. You can use the NREPP registry. Use this information to generate two logic models for a support group that might help Helen manage her stress and anxiety.


First, consider the practice level. Focus on Helen’s needs and interventions that would address those needs and lead to improved outcomes. Then consider the support group on a new program level. Think about the resources that would be required to implement such a program (inputs) and about how you can measure the outcomes.

 Submit the following: 

  • A completed practice-level logic model outline (table) from the Week 7 Assignment handout
  • A completed program logic model outline (table) in the Week 7 Assignment Handout
  • 2–3 paragraphs that elaborate on your practice-level logic model outline. Describe the activities that would take place in the support group sessions that would address needs and lead to improved outcomes
  • 2–3 paragraphs that elaborate on your program-level logic model and address the following:
    • Decisions that would need to be made about characteristics of group membership
    • Group activities 
  • Short- and long-term outcomes 
    • Ways to measure the outcomes

Plummer, S.-B., Makris, S., & Brocksen S. (Eds.). (2014a). Sessions: Case histories. Baltimore, MD: Laureate International Universities Publishing. [Vital Source e-reader].


Read the following section:  “The Petrakis Family”

Assignment: outlining a logic model | SOCW 6311 – Social Work Practice Research II | Walden University

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