Philosophy | Education homework help

Philosophy | Education homework help.

Discussion Question#2 Due Monday, 11/26:

In “Learning From Teaching Experience: Dewey’s Theory and Preservice Teachers’ Learning.” Dewey presented that learning should occur in the process of experience; that is, learning should be incidental to the ongoing natural activities of students rather than the result of teacher-planned activities.” Discuss your interpretation of Dewey’s statement.  Does his statement counteract our current practices in the classroom? (see attached)

Schmidt, M. (2010). Learning From Teaching Experience: Dewey’s Theory and Preservice Teachers’ Learning. Journal of Research in Music Education, 58(2), 131. Retrieved from

Essay Due Wednesday 11/28:

In a 750-1,000-word paper, research, develop, and write your philosophy of education that addresses what you currently believe on the following topics.

  1. Purpose of schooling
  2. Nature of the student
  3. A teacher’s role (professional dispositions of learners) 
  4. Your view of the current curriculum (the subject you intend to teach) (Geometry curriculum is difficult to teach to this generation with all of the social media distractions.  Finding ways to implement technology in the classroom without adding to the distraction of the lesson, would be ideal.)

Based on your understanding of your own dispositions, respond to the following questions in a 3-5 minute video submission:

  1. What dispositions do you possess that you think will make you a successful teacher?
  2. What dispositions do you need to work on before you enter the classroom as a first-year teacher?
  3. What does a professional educator look like and how do they behave? What standards guide their thinking and actions?

Support your findings with 2-3 scholarly resources.

Prepare this assignment according to the APA guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.  An abstract is not required.

Philosophy | Education homework help

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