A modern day sir thomas more

A modern day sir thomas more.

Your assignment is to pretend you are a modern Sir Thomas More in the United States of America. Just as Sir Thomas More highlighted problems with European societies in Book I of Utopia, you are to discuss current problems with American society today. Remember that More discussed unfair punishment for crime, a corrupt socio-economic system, the greediness of kings, and distrust in technology. He also closely analyzed the corruption of advisors to the king. These were all significant problems in 16th century England. What are the significant problems in 21st century America?
Your essay should be one lengthy paragraph of about 500 words. Do not merely list several problems with American society. Pick two or three problems as a focus and then add details that fully explain why these things are problems. Talk about who has created the problems and who is affected by them. Discuss how people are affected by these significant problems. Also be aware that your teacher will be looking for you to communicate your ideas effectively, so this will involve your using prepositional phrases to vary sentence openings.
Once you have completed a rough draft, if possible, submit your writing along with a rubric to a peer in this course for feedback. If peer review by a classmate in this course is not possible, please ask a parent, guardian or friend to review your draft.  Your classmate (parent, guardian or peer outside the course) should fill in the appropriate box on the rubric with feedback. Use this feedback to make changes to your draft.
When you submit your essay for a grade, you should include the following:
• Evidence of prewriting (generating and organizing ideas)• Evidence of a draft (should contain evidence of revision and editing)• A completed rubric (Student Statement) with evidence of peer comments• A final draft
Your assignment will not be graded unless all of these items are submitted.
The rubric will be used to evaluate your writing. Your classmate (or parent, guardian or peer outside the course) will include feedback about your essay on this rubric as well. You should carefully review the rubric before you submit your paper for a final grade.

A modern day sir thomas more

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