Healthcare environment factors and management in health service | DDHA 8450 – Project and Resource Management in Integrated Systems | Walden University

Healthcare environment factors and management in health service | DDHA 8450 – Project and Resource Management in Integrated Systems | Walden University.


Given that HSOs work within the context of local health care markets, there are various health care environment factors that may affect how HSOs operate. For example, consider how the implementation of technology may contribute to effectiveness or inefficiencies in health care delivery. What challenges might exist when implementing technology in health care delivery?

Questions such as these can be modified to include a range of health care environment factors within which HSOs operate. As a current or future health care administrator, health care environment factors may affect the specific management approaches you take with regard to decision-making for health care delivery.

For this Discussion, refer to Figure 5.7 in the text, Managing Health Services Organizations and Systems. Then, select a health care environment factor that might affect the management environment within your HSO or an HSO with which you are familiar.

By Day 3

Post a brief description of the health care environment factor that you selected, and explain why you selected it. Then, explain how this health care environment factor is challenging the systems management approaches in your HSO or an HSO with which you are familiar. Be specific and provide examples.

Healthcare environment factors and management in health service | DDHA 8450 – Project and Resource Management in Integrated Systems | Walden University

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