Word responses (attn kim woods)

Word responses (attn kim woods).



Write 50-75- word responses to each of the following. Please write your responses as complete sentences and include supporting evidence where necessary.

  • What does Ellison’s protagonist (Reading 36.8) mean when he says he is an “invisible man?”
  • Why, according to Woolf (Reading 36.10), did Shakespeare’s imaginary sister fail to achieve greatness?
  • Offer a brief definition of the term postmodern. Which example from Chapter 37 (art, music, literature, architecture) best exemplifies postmodernism? Explain.
  • What is meant by “the global paradigm” in art? Which art or literary work in Chapter 38 best fits this phenomenon? Explain.

Format your responses consistent with APA guidelines. Note: You must use your course text as a reference for this assignment. This means that you should include quoted or paraphrased text from your readings to support your response to, and discussion of, the assignment questions. Course readings should be acknowledged with an in-text citation.

If you need additional sources, use the University Library. If you use the Internet to find sources, you should only access credible and reliable Internet sites such as those affiliated with a museum, magazine, newspaper, educational institution, or arts organization, for example. You should not use sites like Wikipedia, About.com, Ask.com, or blogs, for example.

Word responses (attn kim woods)

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