Baber makayla | Business & Finance homework help

Baber makayla | Business & Finance homework help.

Individual Assurance of Learning Exercise 1

  1. Complete Assurance of Learning Exercise 1B, Step 4, on textbook page 36. (Note: In addition to the instructions, you may choose to use the company’s corresponding website for the Annual Report and/or the Securities and Exchange Commission’s Edgar database for the corresponding 10K.)
  2. Complete Assurance of Learning Exercise 10D on textbook page 321. (Note: There are correct and incorrect answers.)
  3. Complete Assurance of Learning Exercise 1D, Steps 1–2, on textbook page 37.
  4. Complete Assurance of Learning Exercise 1F, Step 1, on textbook page 38. (Note: Replace the use of ” SMCO” in the assignment instructions with the use of or Standard and Poor’s. Standard and Poor’s can be accessed via Liberty University’s Online Library.) Upon completion of Step 1, prepare a 1-page summary of your findings using current APA format.
  5. Place the results of the exercise(s) in a single document and submit it via the link provided. Include your name, class, section number, and the number of the exercise(s) on the attachment (e.g.: 1B, Step 3). Be sure that the assignment is in a business-professional format; include current APA citing and referencing.



David, F. R., & David, F. R. (2015). Strategic management: A competitive advantage approach,

concepts and cases (15th ed.). Boston, MA: Pearson. ISBN: 9780133444797.

Baber makayla | Business & Finance homework help

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