H.g. wells’ novella the time machine

H.g. wells’ novella the time machine.

Answer one of the following sets of questions:
1) In H.G. Wells’ novella The Time Machine, the Time Traveller is shocked by the future he discovers. Should he be? Does late 19th-century England resemble the future he discovers, where the Eloi and Morlocks live in conflict? Does the Time Traveller himself possess personality traits that imply humanity is destined for continual conflict? Does the novel offer any hope that humanity might be able to avoid such a future?
2) Kazuo Ishiguro’s short story “A Village After Dark” ends with the narrator, Fletcher, envisioning his future. Based on what you learn of his past, and his account of his experiences in the present, is his vision of the future realistic? Might he come to lead the village again? Or is he delusional?
Your answer must be at least 2 full pages in length (it should not be longer than 3 full pages) and include:
1) organized paragraphs comprised of complete sentences
2) at least six quotes from The Time Machine and analyses of those quotes, or at least six quotes from “A Village After Dark” and analyses of those quotes
1) Assume that your audience has read The Time Machine and “A Village After Dark.” Do not summarize their plots.
2) Do not cite any secondary sources in your analyses of The Time Machine or “A Village After Dark.”
3) You are not required to cite The Time Machine or “A Village After Dark” according to MLA format or produce a Works Cited page; however, whenever you quote from The Time Machine or “A Village After Dark,” include the number of the page on which the quote appears in parentheses at the end of the sentence, before the period.
4) Double-space your answer in 12-point Times New Roman or a similar font.
1) Your grade will be based on the completeness of your answer and the attentiveness of your textual analysis.
2) Late or incomplete answers will receive a grade of F.

H.g. wells’ novella the time machine

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