Unit 7 assignment – global production and supply chain management
Unit 7 assignment – global production and supply chain management.
You will find a recent article from a reliable source (i.e. Business Week or a peer-reviewed article) that relates to any of the topics discussed in this unit on global production and supply chain management. You will then submit an article review that includes the following:
• Title and full Article Citation (in APA format)
• Summary of the article
• Reasoning for selection this article (why did it appeal to you)?
• Why is this article relevant with regards to the concepts discussed in this Unit?
• Minimum of two pages in length, excluding the Title and Reference page.
• APA format, including an in-text citation for referenced works.
• Provide full citation of article reviewed.
• In this course, only one late submission will be accepted per term with no penalty as long as the assignment is submitted within one week of the due date. It is the students’ responsibility to inform the instructor of a late submission. Please reference the assignment guidelines and rubric.
Unit 7 assignment – global production and supply chain management