Jewish values & theology – rambam-johnson-spiro.

Jewish values & theology – rambam-johnson-spiro..



1- ____________________________________________________________The Christian Author of A History of the Jews.  

2- ____________________________________________________________The Jewish Author of World Perfect.  

3- The 6 ostensibly Universal Values that Judaism (the Mosheic faith of Yisrael) contributed to world civilization.  
(God-HaShem  revealed  these  values  to  the  whole  world  via  the  Yisraelite  people  who  recorded  them  in  the
Tanakh-Bible; these virtues were then promulgated around the globe by Jewish people & Christian

a- ___________________________________________________________________________________________

b- ___________________________________________________________________________________________

c- ___________________________________________________________________________________________

d- ___________________________________________________________________________________________

e- ___________________________________________________________________________________________

f- ___________________________________________________________________________________________

4- The 3 Ancient Reasons for Infanticide:

a- ___________________________________________________________________________________________

b- ___________________________________________________________________________________________

c- ____________________________________________________________________________________________

5- In cultures which practiced widespread infanticide, __________________________ were considered valuable &   

 __________________________ were considered disposable.

6- Aristotle:  Every maimed or imperfect newborn child should be ___________________________.

7- ____________________________ The people who practiced the most human sacrifice (for theological reasons).

8- ____________________________ The people who had the worst motivation for human sacrifice (for human entertainment).

9- The 3 traditional ancient reasons for war:

a- ____________________________________________________________________________________________

b- ____________________________________________________________________________________________

c- ____________________________________________________________________________________________

10- The ancient Golden Rule: Whoever has the ________________, makes the rules.

11- The great Roman Empire was _________% illiterate.  

Jewish values & theology – rambam-johnson-spiro.

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