Phil discussion 12 | Philosophy homework help

Phil discussion 12 | Philosophy homework help.

 Question for Discussion #12 – Postmodernism

Read the Havel Speech posted below. Before now, have you been aware of the idea of Postmodernism? Comment on one or more of ideas Havel presents. Do you agree or disagree with his thoughts?  Does this speech give you any help in understanding the world today?

Havel Speech – Copy.doc 

See the attachment below

Discussion Assignments have the following objectives:

  1. Identify and describe key concepts presented in textbook reading material, video lectures, and other assigned content.
  2. Draw connections between assigned content material and practical areas of interest.
  3. Explore ideas in philosophical depth beyond the presentation of course material.
  4. Draw connections between philosophical discourse and one’s practical life.
  5. Engage in respectful philosophical conversation.
    1. This objective will be measured according to replies posted to other students or to professors.

When completing discussion assignments, please remember:

  • Your main post should take a minimum of 350 words. Explain and support what you say.
  • Any sources that you use must – including textbook and video lectures – be cited and referenced responsibly. (See the syllabus.)
  • You should post at least two substantial replies to other participants.
  • Please refer to the syllabus and grading rubric for more guidance.

Phil discussion 12 | Philosophy homework help

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