Statistically significant and clinically significant evidence

Statistically significant and clinically significant evidence.

Provide a 3-4 sentence response to the below discussion question answer in apa format with in-text citations and references:

Answer: The statistical significance of evidence is the measurement of data that determines that the results are unlikely to have happened by chance. It also can mean that the results are “reliable and can be duplicated” (Polit & Beck, 2017) when applied in another situation The application of a p-value of five refers to the idea that in 100 times more than 95% the results will be the same. The clinical significance of evidence is whether when applied to patient care will have the same effect. The evidence is not just taken on face value or the results of the statistical results but also must best be evaluated by “making an informed expert judgment of the benefits and risks associated with research findings” (EL-Masri, 2016). 

Each of these findings can be used to advance evidence-based projects in different ways. The statistical tells us if the data is leading us in the right direction based on reliability and clinically the benefits to the patients will be seen.

Original Question: What is the difference between statistically significant evidence and clinically significant evidence? How would each of these findings be used to advance an evidenced-based project?

Statistically significant and clinically significant evidence

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